
Opinion from a Libertarian ViewPoint

There Is No Military Solution To The North Korea Conundrum | The Daily Caller

Posted by M. C. on April 16, 2017

The reason is simple: a military confrontation with North Korean despot Kim Jong-un has a 100% chance of ending in a nuclear conflagration. As retired Col. David Hunt, who served in Korea on the DMZ, told Eric Bolling on Thursday, every war game simulating a war with North Korea has ended in a nuclear conflict. For fifty years, the North Koreans have been preparing for a resumption of hostilities in a war that never formally ended. Positioned in the heights just above the demilitarized zone is a massive array of North Korean artillery pointed at Seoul, the South Korean capital, a city with 3 million inhabitants. Within six minutes, that tremendous firepower would be unleashed, and the casualties would be massive.

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He is right. We never hear the part about Seoul being wiped out in a matter of minutes.

We never hear that Japan will be attacked as well. Nuked if they can get one to work.

The Korean people are intensely nationalistic: they resent any sort of foreign interference in their affairs, which is why meddling by Beijing and Washington is widely resented. There is a way out of the Korean conundrum – if only the US will get out of the way.

I wish SK had the gumption to take control and give the US the boot.

US lives matter.

Be seeing you

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