
Opinion from a Libertarian ViewPoint

CIA’s Afghan Forces Terrorize the Public, Undermine Trust – News From

Posted by M. C. on January 1, 2019

Forever War

60 years later and still winning hearts and minds by burning down villages.

Jason Ditz

17 years into the US war in Afghanistan, various administrations have tried myriad different strategies to try to win the war, many of them involving recruiting local groups. While the Pentagon’s various allies have had well-documented problems, they’re nothing compared to the CIA.

Clandestine and playing fast and loose with the rules, the CIA’s own Afghan forces, various bands of local gunmen with some nominal training, have missions to do, and very little in the way of rules of engagement.

Being told to “search for militants” is all but blanket permission to raid and loot random homes. One survivor of such a raid describes the fighters taking him away for questioning. After they took him, they killed his two brothers and sister-in-law, then burned the house to the ground, killing his 3-year-old daughter.

Provincial officials were deeply critical of the “atrocity,” saying the raid targeted an innocent man. With the CIA’s seal of approval attached to it, however, there is very little that local or even Afghan government officials could do about it…

Be seeing you





One Response to “CIA’s Afghan Forces Terrorize the Public, Undermine Trust – News From”

  1. Kenneth T. said


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