
Opinion from a Libertarian ViewPoint

Posts Tagged ‘Publicis Group’

New App ‘NewsGuard’ Promises To Stop Fake News. Have A Look At Who Owns & Funds It – Collective Evolution

Posted by M. C. on January 14, 2019

Well, well, lookee who is on the board. My former governor and first head of the DHS.

If there is anyone who knows skullduggery it is the head of Ridge Security. Ask a PA taxpayer about teacher unions and pensions.

John McCarter, a long-time executive at U.S. government contractor Booz Allen Hamilton.

Booz Allen Hamilton-That is who Edward Snowden worked for. The muck at the bottom of the swamp.



  • The Facts:News browser extension NewsGuard promises to help readers pick out fake news. However, NewsGuard is funded and run by individuals tied to the CFR, Atlantic Council and other prominent elite figures.
  • Reflect On:Are we seeing a push for over-governance when it comes to even basic things like news and information? Is it time we take responsibility for our lives? Are we seeing a desperate elite losing even more control over the narrative within the media?

A new browser extension app called NewsGuard promises to give readers better insight into the credibility of news sites by providing them with a red, yellow or green badge as visitors explore content. All you have to do is install it on your website browser and you will find out how websites are rated based on numerous categories. You will also see a ‘Nutrition Label’ that was developed by NewsGuard’s ‘watchdog SWAT team’ so readers can understand whether or not a site is trustworthy… well, that’s what NewsGuard claims…

Note that in both examples above, the NewsGuard app continues to push Russia as being this imaginary enemy of the United States. This is simply a propaganda tool that has been used for decades by the US elite to manipulate its public into supporting and accepting everything from war to censorship. CNN, featured above, also happens to be one of the outlets continually pushing the factless Russian intervention narrative of the 2016 presidential election. This has long been debunked.

Who Owns It?

NewsGuard’s CEOs and board of directors should tell you a lot about what is truly going on here. Read the rest of this entry »

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