
Opinion from a Libertarian ViewPoint

Posts Tagged ‘America’

Final Nail in America’s Coffin?

Posted by M. C. on April 24, 2024

The Ron Paul Liberty Report

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Pres. Obama Didn’t Believe in the Principles and Values of America – Chief Divider | Thomas Sowell

Posted by M. C. on March 27, 2024

Pres. Barack Obama is the embodiment, the personification, and the culmination of dangerous trends that began decades ago. Moreover, he has escalated those dangers to what may be a point of no return.

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Why Are There So Many Suicides in America?

Posted by M. C. on January 12, 2024

by Jacob G. Hornberger

I’ve got a different answer. I’m certainly no expert in psychology but I say that the enormously high rate of suicide involves a denial of reality and the psychosis that comes with a denial of reality.

From the first day that children enter the government’s public (i.e., government) school system to which their parents are forced to send them, their minds are molded to believe that they live in a free society. Every day, for 12 long years, that’s what they are taught to believe. By the time they graduate high school, there is no doubt in the minds of 18-year-olds that they live in a genuinely free society.

But reality is that Americans do not live in a free society. They live under a welfare-warfare state and a tightly controlled and regulated society.

Last November, the Wall Street Journal reported that suicides in the United States reached a record high in 2022. Almost 50,000 people in the U.S. committed suicide. The suicide rate was the highest since 1941.

According to the article, healthcare professionals blame Covid, illicit drugs, and an oversupply of firearms.

I’ve got a different answer. I’m certainly no expert in psychology but I say that the enormously high rate of suicide involves a denial of reality and the psychosis that comes with a denial of reality.

From the first day that children enter the government’s public (i.e., government) school system to which their parents are forced to send them, their minds are molded to believe that they live in a free society. Every day, for 12 long years, that’s what they are taught to believe. By the time they graduate high school, there is no doubt in the minds of 18-year-olds that they live in a genuinely free society.

Sigmund Freud

As adults at public events, most all of them eagerly stand to recite the Pledge of Allegiance (“with liberty and justice for all”), which, of course, they know by heart given that they were required to recite it every morning before the start of classes. They love singing to themselves, “I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.”

Moreover, the government molds their minds to conform to whatever the government says about freedom. When the Pentagon invades countries like Vietnam, Syria, Grenada, Afghanistan, Iraq, and so many others in the name of “freedom,” most everyone immediately embraces the freedom concept. That’s why so many people were eager to thank the troops for their “service” in “Operation Iraqi Freedom.” When the CIA assassinates someone in the name of protecting our “freedom,” hardly anyone gives it a second thought. When U.S. officials use the freedom concept to justify unleashing death and suffering on foreign citizens with sanctions and embargoes, hardly anyone questions it.

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America Has Suffered a Coup

Posted by M. C. on June 15, 2023

Paul Craig Roberts

A while ago I reported to my readers that for several years the most widely read articles on my website were those presenting the overwhelming evidence that Germany did not start World War II, so striking were the facts from the false narrative we had been told.  

Ron Unz has also exposed the false World War II narrative, and he returned to the subject on June 12.  For those of you who missed the true story, you can begin your journey to reality here: 

Be certain to watch David Irving’s lecture, which is included in Unz’s article and can be found here:   You will learn from Irving, without doubt by far the best historian of World War II, that there was more damning evidence that Winston Churchill was a war criminal than were the Germans sentenced to death at Nuremberg.

For the most part academic historians are court historians who write feelgood accounts, accounts based more on war propaganda than on documents and facts.  Academic historians who are the exceptions, such as A.J.P. Taylor and Harry Elmer Barnes, and tell the truth are “disappeared” as a consequence.  In Irving’s case a decades long campaign has been conducted against him for writing history based on the documents rather than repetition of the feelgood narrative.  

What it so often comes down to is that in America and the Western world to be a success a person has to ally with an influential interest group and write lies that advance the interest group’s interest.  This is the main activity of university faculty.  It even affects science.  Consider how many physicists and chemists, for example, receive salaries or research grants from the federal government.

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The Rest of The World Dislikes America’s Direction Too — They’re “De-Dollarizing”

Posted by M. C. on April 25, 2023

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We Are Not the Government, but America Is No Longer Anything More than the Government

Posted by M. C. on October 7, 2022

Connor Mortell

We must, therefore, emphasize that “we” are not the government; the government is not “us.” The government does not in any accurate sense “represent” the majority of the people.

Murray Rothbard wrote this in his popular Anatomy of the State. His point still stands to this day. The state cannot be said to represent “us” in any accurate or serious way. It may be even more true today than ever before. However, what is murkier today is who “us” even is. If “we” are not the government, then who are “we?”

“We” would logically reference what Rothbard described as separate from the state, the nation:

Everyone is necessarily born into a family, a language, and a culture. Every person into one or several overlapping communities, usually including an ethnic group, with specific values, cultures, religious beliefs, and traditions. He is generally born into a “country.”

While this would make sense as who “we” are, I struggle to believe this—in any meaningful way—describes anything that brings “us” as Americans together. Taking Rothbard’s descriptors piece by piece, almost none of them still apply. Everyone is born into a family which includes ethnic groups, but America has long been known as a melting pot with any number of ethnic heritages among its people, so it would be nonsense to say this played a role in bringing together the American nation. Generally speaking, there is a common language across America, however, it is merely the language of our former rulers—the British. If this drew us together as a nation, then we’d be equally drawn to Australia.

As for the “overlapping communities” we have almost no such communities drawing Americans together. Ethnic groups and cultures we’ve already addressed vary widely within America. Specific values have never been less cohesive than they are today. In the state of Texas, the average person likely believes that an abortion is committing murder against a child. In the state of California, the average person believes that an abortion is a sacred right for women.

In the state of New York, it was quite recently believed that going out without a mask was posing imminent harm to vulnerable people. At the same time, in the state of Florida it was almost ridiculous in many places to wear a mask. To pretend these groups have shared values is simply something of the past.

Religious beliefs do not hold as a common thread considering the country was founded in part on the freedom of religion. From that, many traditions diverge among the people. In fact, even the few traditions that are common among the residents of America are extremely varied across regions. While we are born into a specific place and are somewhat geographically together, we’ve expanded far beyond any real sense of vicinity.

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If America Were Totalitarian, Where Would You Want to Live?

Posted by M. C. on September 20, 2022

by Richard M. Ebeling

I’ve asked them why they would have done that. It is amazing how many of these students know little or nothing about how, why, when, or even from where an earlier generation of their families had made the journey to America. Some know some things about their family’s histories, but many do not, and equally amazing, some of them don’t care.

Suppose that one evening as the sun was setting and dusk was settling in, a strange mist fell over the United States that resulted in the entire population of the country, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, falling into a deep and restful sleep. Similarly, as evening settled in across the Russian Federation, the same type of mist enveloped the entire country from the Pacific to the Baltic Sea, with the Russian people falling into an equivalent restful and deep sleep.

When the people of the two countries awoke from their night’s slumber, they found themselves, respectively, living under two radically different political regimes from the ones that they had been under the day before. In Russia, the country was still physically the same. There still were the deep forests, the rich soil of the steppes, the mountains of the Urals, and the stark, frigid terrain of the Siberian north.

But the Russian political system had been transformed into a constitutional, strictly limited government, with every citizen secure in his personal and civil liberties under an impartially enforced rule of law. In their economic affairs, the Russians found themselves living under a laissez-faire, free-market order in which every individual was free to peacefully live his life as he personally chose, with all interpersonal relationships based on honest and voluntary associations inside and outside of the marketplace.What these waves and generations of immigrants arriving in America wanted and were searching for was freedom in some or all of its facets that they were denied in the places from which they had come.
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In the United States, the Rocky Mountains still stretched southward from the Canadian border, the central plains still had miles upon miles of corn and wheat fields, the wide Mississippi River continued to flow from Minnesota south into the Gulf of Mexico, and New York and Chicago still had their majestic skylines. On the other hand, however, the country had been transformed into a fully totalitarian political regime.

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Is Democracy Dying or America Disintegrating? – LewRockwell

Posted by M. C. on January 28, 2022

And, again, if the preconditions of democracy are vanishing, and the preconditions of nationhood are disappearing, is not secession of some kind inevitable and even desirable?

By Patrick J. Buchanan

“What do we mean by the Revolution? The war? That was no part of the revolution; it was only an effect and consequence of it. The revolution was in the minds of the people.”

What did John Adams mean when he wrote this to Thomas Jefferson in 1815, after both had served as president?

Adams was saying that America, the country that took up arms and fought for its independence from the British, was already a nation — before 1775.

America preexisted the Constitution, Adams is saying. America had been conceived and born before he and Jefferson began to write its Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia in 1776. America had come into being even before Lexington and Concord in 1775.

A corollary of what Adams wrote is that America, and the republic created by the Constitution, are not the same thing.

While America is a country, a republic is the form of government created for that country in Philadelphia in 1787.

“A republic if you can keep it,” said Ben Franklin to the lady who had asked what kind of government they had created for the already existing nation, when he emerged from that constitutional convention.

What, then, are our elites bewailing when they say that populists, rightists and Trumpists have put “our democracy” at risk?

Answer: It is not America the country or America the nation they are referring to, but our political system as it has evolved.

And what is the nature of the threat they see?

A precondition of democracy is that the results of elections be recognized and respected, and if repeatedly challenged, this is a mortal threat. And this is the present peril.

Yet, there are other preconditions, not only for democracies but for countries, that were enumerated in The Federalist Papers:

“Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people — a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs … ”

“This country and this people seem to have been made for each other, and it appears as if it was the design of Providence, that an inheritance so proper and convenient for a band of brethren, united to each other by the strongest ties, should never be split into a number of unsocial, jealous, and alien sovereignties.”

John Jay was describing the preconditions of a nation, a country, a people. Do these preconditions still exist in America?

“One united people”? “A band of brethren”? A common ancestry, common religion, common language, common customs and manners?

That may describe the America of 1789. Does it describe the America of 2022? Or does Jay’s phrase, “a number of unsocial, jealous and alien sovereignties,” better describe the America of today?

Hillary Clinton once wrote off half of Trump’s supporters, nearly one-fourth of the nation, as “a basket of deplorables … racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic … bigots,” who are “irredeemable.”

Assume that our elites, who often echo what Hillary Clinton said of the populist Trumpist right, agree with her.

Why would virtuous liberals wish to continue in political association with people like this? Why would they not declare that, if an election again delivers rule to such people, we want no part of the system or polity that produced so intolerable an outcome?

Why would the capture of all three branches of government by people such as Hillary Clinton describes not be cause for dissolving the Union?

How could democracy be a superior form of government, if it could deliver the republic to people such as these, and perhaps twice?

If the progressives’ enemies are “Nazis” and “fascists,” why would progressives not rise in resistance and reject their rule, rather than cooperate with them in the governance of the country?

Why would good people not battle to overturn an election that produced a majority for such “deplorables”?

Do the commands of democracy take precedence over the demands of decency? Rather than govern in concert with people like this, why not get as far removed from them as possible?

The point here: Not only may the preconditions of democracy be disappearing, but the preconditions of nationhood may be disintegrating.

Again, the American right is today routinely compared to Nazis, fascists and Klansmen. Why would good liberal Democrats accept an electoral victory and future rule by Nazis and fascists rather than seek to overturn it, by whatever means necessary?

And how do you hold up American democracy as a model to mankind if, after two centuries, it has produced scores of millions of citizens like those described by Hillary Clinton?

And, again, if the preconditions of democracy are vanishing, and the preconditions of nationhood are disappearing, is not secession of some kind inevitable and even desirable?

Ultimately, the logic of our situation must lead us to consider something like this. Western Maryland’s attempt to secede and join West Virginia, and Eastern Oregon’s attempt to secede and join Idaho, may be harbingers of what is to come.

Patrick J. Buchanan is co-founder and editor of The American Conservative. He is also the author of Where the Right Went Wrong, and Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War. His latest book is Nixon’s White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever See his website.

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The Backsliding of America – LewRockwell

Posted by M. C. on October 26, 2021

His book lists 45 aggressive goals with which the communists planned to destroy a free nation from inside. The five listed below have already done serious damage to America:

1. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV.

  1. Present immorality as “normal, natural and healthy.”
  2. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity.
  3. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
  4. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for Socialism and current Communist propaganda.

By Dr. Igor Shepherd

Posterity, you will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve
your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it. If you do not, I shall
repent in heaven that ever I took half the pains to preserve it.
John Adams-1756

I left the lifeless credos of Russia and moved to Seattle, Washington, in 1993, a few years after the Iron Curtain collapsed. The “perestroika” in the new Russian Federation did little to change the lives of average Russian citizens who were scraping by to feed their families. Mother Russia still felt cold and lifeless, and the people ambled to-and-fro with the same anxieties and suspicions. I was still an active reserve officer for the Strategic Rocket Force when I married my wife, June, an American flight attendant, and moved to the USA. It did not take long for me to notice that there were a lot of churches in and around Seattle. I could not help but consider that maybe the reason America was so awesome was because of their faith in God.

The change for me was enormous. I could not speak fluent English and I was experiencing a way of life that was both astounding and daunting at the same time. Seattle itself was an intoxication to my senses. The fishy smells of the Puget Sound, the vibrant ferry trips to flowery islands, and the quiet hum of luxury cars speeding down the smooth freeways was an unexplainable pleasure. Unlike the citizens in Russia, I noticed people laughed and showed a lot of emotion in public.

When I experienced my first encounter at a fast-food drive-thru I was hooked. My patient wife put up with my need to eat fast food every day for months. But it was my first visit inside the grocery store, standing in front of a long aisle full of all kinds of amazing breads, that the realization of communism versus God hit me. In Russia we had only two choices for bread—dark or white—nothing soft and fancy like the breads before me. As I stood there in that aisle, frozen, gawking, June looked over and caught my angry expression. She asked if I were okay. I did not know how to tell her that I felt cheated and deceived by my country of birth.

Religious persecution has been part of history in almost every nation, and America is no exception. When the Puritans fled England to America in 1620, due to persecution against their Christian beliefs, their goal was freedom to exercise their faith and worship God based on Biblical scripture of the Old and New Testaments. They wanted the right to connect to God under a one-on-one relationship, not through papal authority and legalistic rituals the Catholic church in England had strictly imposed. But once the Puritans, America’s first Protestants, arrived on America’s shores, they lost sight of the true Christian message of mercy and soon were persecuting other Protestant sects with different religious viewpoints, non-believers, American natives, and their new neighbors, the Catholics, who had also migrated to the New World.

I can imagine after living through rough bullying in England for their beliefs, the Puritans did not want to chance a repeat of persecution through a Catholic takeover in America, and thus why they tried to purify their faith in the new land. But their actions, and the disputes between other religious groups, simply led to greater conflicts. But though these clashes occurred, America was still considered a Christian-founded nation because there is none righteous, no, not one, and America’s founding fathers recognized this truth and the undeniable fallibility of man. They understood that to build a free and morally safe country Biblical principles were important enough to be implemented within society and judicial law, as well as equal protection for all religious beliefs.

The citizens and leaders of the USA put God first and allowed His handprints to be stamped across America. Though the people were far from perfect, their choice to adhere to Godly tenets blessed the nation. People lived as free men and women, with the right to follow their dreams and visions, and be rewarded for their labor with private ownership of land and homes. As America rose to superpower position, so did her bold witness of Jesus Christ to the world.

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Is America Becoming a Failed State? – LewRockwell

Posted by M. C. on August 12, 2021

America is unable to win the wars she chooses to fight. She cannot or will not control and defend her borders from a mass migrant invasion. She cannot halt an outbreak of criminality and killing in her great cities. She has not run a trade surplus in four decades. Her dependency upon foreign producers is unprecedented. And her budget deficits continue to break records every year — as does her soaring national debt.

Is that not the description of a failed or failing state?

By Patrick J. Buchanan

Suddenly, Sunday, a riveting report came over cable news:

The U.S. embassy was urging all Americans to “leave Afghanistan as soon as possible.” Message: Get out while you can.

Adding urgency was news that three northern provincial capitals, including Kunduz city, had fallen to the Taliban, making it five provincial capitals overrun since Friday.

The huge investment in blood and treasure by the United States over two decades to remake Afghanistan appears about to be wiped out, whole and entire, and we appear about to sustain our worst diplomatic and political defeat since the fall of Saigon.

Not once in this century has the U.S. decisively won one of the wars it launched — in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen or Libya. And the sole superpower status we enjoyed as the 21st century began is gone with the wind.

Yet America’s hawks are urging us to give a new war guarantee to Taiwan, should Beijing exercise its claim, though former President Richard Nixon and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger assented in 1972 that Taiwan is “a part of China.”

Before we issue any war guarantee to Taipei, we might consider the Pentagon’s evaluation of the results of a recent war game in which the U.S. confronted China over Taiwan.

How did it go? Says vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. John Hyten, “Without overstating the issue, it failed miserably.

“An aggressive red team that had been studying the United States for the last 20 years just ran rings around us. … They knew exactly what we were going to do before we did it, and they took advantage of it.”

Are we Americans prepared, in any way, for an air-sea-and-missile war in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific over islands they claim as their historic national territory but we have never claimed as ours?

Here at home, the COVID-19 pandemic, now in a fourth wave, is infecting 100,000 Americans every day, with hospitalizations rising commensurately. For that third of a nation still unvaccinated, the delta variant is a potential death sentence.

Despite this medical crisis that is common to us all, our political divide is manifesting itself in savage battles over vaccinations, masks and mandates.

And while COVID-19 continues to infect, hospitalize and kill, scores of thousands of Americans are being annually lost to drug overdoses and opioids. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 93,000 overdose deaths occurred across the country in 2020, and 3 in 4 fatal overdoses can be attributed to opioids.

More Americans are dying yearly from overdoses and opioids than all the Americans dead during the war in Vietnam.

The U.S. trade deficit numbers just came in for June, where the deficit in goods alone increased to $91 billion for the month. This translates into $1 trillion a year.

The largest component of that trade deficit is with China — an extraordinary level of U.S. dependency on a foreign nation for the vital necessities of its national life, let alone on an adversary like China.

On our southern border, an invasion of our country is taking place.

Every month President Joe Biden has been in office, illegal border crossings have increased. In June, Border Patrol recorded 178,000 border arrests — a 571% jump from June 2020. Border arrests have already reached their highest since 2000 and are on track to reach 1.8 million this year.

Biden is failing in his first constitutional duty — to defend the United States from foreign invasion. We Americans no longer decide who comes into our national home and whom we shall adopt as new citizens. Others decide, others determine our future, for us.

We defend the borders of scores of nations; we cannot, or Biden will not, defend our own. And, as former President Ronald Reagan reminded us, a country that can’t or won’t defend its borders isn’t really a country anymore.

In our great cities, public shootings and killings have begun to exceed those of previous years. Police, under attack and abuse from the elites and people they protect, are resigning and retiring in record numbers.


America is unable to win the wars she chooses to fight. She cannot or will not control and defend her borders from a mass migrant invasion. She cannot halt an outbreak of criminality and killing in her great cities. She has not run a trade surplus in four decades. Her dependency upon foreign producers is unprecedented. And her budget deficits continue to break records every year — as does her soaring national debt.

Is that not the description of a failed or failing state?

Asked by a despondent young friend if the defeat at Saratoga and potential loss of the American colonies meant the ruin of Britain, Adam Smith assured him, “There is a great deal of ruin in a nation.”

Britain would go on from the loss of her 13 colonies to create the greatest empire since Rome.

Yet if there is “a great deal of ruin in a nation,” we Americans certainly appear to be testing those limits.

Patrick J. Buchanan is co-founder and editor of The American Conservative. He is also the author of Where the Right Went Wrong, and Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War. His latest book is Nixon’s White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever See his website.

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