Like much of Europe recently, Gibraltar, the British Overseas Territory located at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula, has seen a sudden uptick in COVID cases.The European COVID case-rate (7d avg) is now higher than the peak of the March wave..

Source: BloombergAnd Gibraltar COVID cases are soaring “exponentially” according to the government…In response to this sudden surge in COVID cases, the government of Gibraltar recently announced that “official Christmas parties, official receptions and similar gatherings” have been canceled, and advised the public to avoid social events and parties for the next four weeks. Outdoor spaces are recommended over indoor ones, touching and hugging is discouraged, and mask wearing is advised.

“The drastic increase in the numbers of people testing positive for Covid-19 in recent days is a stark reminder that the virus is still very prevalent in our community and that it is the responsibility of us all to take every reasonable precaution to protect ourselves and our loved ones,” Health Minister Samantha Sacramento said.

There’s just one problem.

Gibraltar is the ‘most vaccinated’ nation on earth…SourceHaving been fully-vaxxed for months…SourceIn fact, over 118% of Gibraltar’s population are fully vaccinated against COVID (above 100% due to jabs given to Spaniards who cross the border to work or visit the territory every day).Gibraltar is not alone in this ‘mysterious’ vaccine failure.